This is the first time im writing for my blog. I’ll start with an issue that concerns the masses. Today almost every individual living in a city owns a cell phone and similarly its popularity not unknown in villages. The market consists of various telecom service providers. Airtel, reliance, Vodafone, Tata being a popular few.
We consumers of these service providers should expect some service in return. I want to share my appalling experience I had with Vodafone last month. I’m very surprised to see the service (if u even can call it so) bestowed by Vodafone on its customers in this era on consumer awareness. Vodafone takes its customers for granted and thinks that we the customers will adhere onto it just by attractive offers and cool advertisements. It fails to understand that the basic thing is providing service in which it terribly fails. Vodafone lacks in provision services by a plethora of miles as compared to other networks. I have been bothered and harassed by the so called customer service employees many a times and its not just me but many individuals who have suffered the same treatment. The customers service employees shout back, talk rudely to the customers and delay work unnecessarily thus maltreating us the customers.
Vodafone is thinking of itself to be the boss of the market just by virtue of the zoo zoos and other marketing techniques used by it. Hats off to the Vodafone marketing thing that the Vodafone ship is still sailing.
Wake up consumers, there is no shortage of telecom service providers. Chose a network that doesn’t cheat you. We are Indians and will not be cheated by just any company. That’s it for now and I’m signing off.
Have a nice day folks.